2023 USB-ADDA-12-12 DAQ card expandable to 2400 I/O's. USB-Isopot NTC simulator with Python interface. BOMM manager. First Isolated USB2 line camera.
2022 Wide 77 mm 1 Klps CCD scanner with 7500 pixel and 32 MB SDRAM and Ethernet interface. USB 2D-Sensor.
2021 OEM camera readout with USB 3.0.
2020 Zeiss MMS readout with SPI interface for Adruino.
2019 USB-MPPC-3600. USB powered MPPC module. Transformer winding machine working.
2018 USB2-NMOS 512 with line management. A1-5972 100 MHz photodiode amplifier. 2017 Mini Spectrometer. Stencil printer. USB Minispectrometer. 2016 SUSIE Instrument Controller. FPGA temperature controller with 10 mK stability. 2015 USB/serial readout for Zeiss MMS spectrometer. 2014 1000+ oem cameras shipped. Start design SUSIE. (Simple Universal Srcipt-based Instrument Explorer) to make tests for production easier and faster.
2013 Low noise cooled backthinned CCD Camera.
2012 DLL reports spurious errors.
2011 Low noise cooled NMOS camera.
2010 Multihead X ray camera. Expandable I/O with stepper controller & driver.
2009 Cooled backthinned camera with E2V sensor.
2008 Diode readout for stepper driver filter-wheel. USB readout for Zeiss MMS spectrometer.
2007 Isolated nA meter 0.5pA resolution. Frame synchronized flashlamp driver. 2006 Cooled InGaAs with peltier DC/DC. New USB driver with timeout. Multihead cammera with 10 heads a 2048 pixel.
2005 40 MHz 16 bit cameralink to usb adapter, 128 MB buffer. 4 head backthinned multihead camera. 1K x 1K linescanner with programmable scanner mirror.
2005 DLL with multicamera support. Migration to USB 2.0.
2004 USB NMOS. khs µOS, LCD display.
2003 USB-InGaAs, USB-CMOS. Ultrasound flowcontroller.
2002 4 Mpixel CMOS Camera. First USB-CCD linescan camera.
2001 8 head CMOS readout.
2000 LCCD, low cost readout for CCD sensors.
1999 First PC readout PCMIA card for thermoelectric and pyroelectric sensors.
1998 PCI-CCD. Laser Diode Driver.
1997 khs-µOS, multitasking instrument controller with stepper controller and LED display.
1996 ISA-CCD low cost linescan camera.
1993 First dual channel PC readout (ISA ) for thermoelectric and pyroelectric sensors.